What's Going On With North Korea?

Foreign Relations: North korea

The past couple of years have been eventful ones for Asian nations. Russia has been always accused of meddling at the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And the roller coaster of anxiety betweenthe United States and North Korea was a ride that's been at times scary and in other times full of hope.

The world political scene looks dramatic with Trump at the helm of this U.S. government. But overall things are silent, ISIS is being beaten and there's not any war to speak of. Besides stress involving your U.S. and North Korea, the international political arena has appeared as a field of crickets. Crickets is better than simply ticks which disperse lyme disease.

Will They Finally Meet?The Summit Meeting

Apparently there is a massive meeting involving the USA and North Korea. In his letter to the dictator of the Arab kingdom,'' Trump cited recent competitive comments by Kim Jong-Un as the reason for cancelling the historic meeting. Although it could be straight back on again. Who doesn't desire to use a cell phone spy on that meeting. Many people were undoubtedly hoping that tensions between the USA and North Korea would still continue to diminish. We will have to see.

Peace Between North And South

In April, the two parts of Korea made some lofty goals: no more nuclear weapons and a final calmness to put a stop to hostility between both states. Hopefully Trump's conclusion of his visit to the summit at Singapore will not worsen the connection between North and South Korea. Matters have been advancing so much lately and it seemed that Trump's tactics with the North Korean dictator were working. The meeting between Trump and Kim may occur next week.

Trump's Twitter

One of the weaknesses of Trump's political career has been his insistence on tweeting not-so-nice things pretty much all of the time. Just when it seems like the U.S. President has learned his lesson, he seems to place yet another insensitive tweet. Social networking is an excellent tool for politicians to speak with all individuals they're leading. Therefore hopefully Trump melts down and uses his Twitter account to inform the public rather than insult others.

The United States And South Korea MeetingThe Future Of The Korean Peninsula

Undoubtedly Appears to Be advancing over the Korean Peninsula. The ones that are wondering what is going to happen in the future are not alone. In case Trump plays his cards right and is sensitive to the wants of their Korean dictator, matters could continue to improve. If the two leaders' egos continue to influence their decision-making and conversation, this roller coaster might continue to be filled with good and the bad. One thing I am thankful for is the deficiency of missiles going to and out of North Korea.

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